Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

for the first time... part 1

sumpah... malam minggu ini adalah malam minggu tergokil...

berawal dari siang ini.sabtu,21 mei 2011.kebetulan ada acara GOPP di bank mandiri daerah thamrin.nah,yaudah.gua ama beberapa orang dari grup,berangkat bareng2. begitu sampai,ada aja terlalu ribet juga sih.masalah tiket.acara berlangsung,bla bla bla...

inilah yang paling gokil.waktu mau circle,ani tiba2 sakit perut.yaudah.gua sama wike nemenin ani di depan.ada hal yang ga disangka sangka lo.aplen gu,Indra Wiguna dateng tadi.senangnya :D..oke.balik lagi ke yg mau gua ceritain
pas lagi ngobrol2,tiba2 dani indra sama tyokaya ngobrol2 bercanda gitu.
soalnya mereka berdua kaya liat 1 arah lama merry juga ngeliat.jadi penasaran kan?yaudah.gua tanya aja sama indra

gua: itu apaan ndra si tyo??kok kayanya rame gitu??
indra:itu,si cupy lagi nyoba hipnotis ojan
gua :ah masa??emang cuppy bisa hipnotis??
indra :bisa.dani udah kena.kalo si dani waktu itu di sugesti,dia ngeliat semua orang ga pake baju hendry aja ampe di teriakin gara2 di penglihatan dani semua ga pake baju

pas gua liat,eh ternyata ga berhasil.katanya sejak awal ojan nolak.yaudah.tiba2 ka mochi minta di hipnotis.udah sampai tahap tertidur tuh.gua,indra sama plenno ngerekam gitu.sambil cekikian sama anak2 yang ga berhasil.setelah waktu yang cukup cuma main BB sambil nunggu ada salah satu grup cupy yang bisa.lucu deh.kalo kita hentakan kaki.dia pasti marah.kocak dah..

akhirnya,tiba giliran ojan.dia di sugesti.setiap dia liat orang pake sepatu atau sendal,pasti di sangka BB ONYX.awalnya gua ga terlalu percaya.pas gua samperin eh bener.dia udah lepas sepatu.dan sok make kaya BB gitu.kocak.ampe kakinya ferdian di tarik2 lama ojan nyamperin kita2.dia bilang gini

ojan:parah lu ke.BB lu injek2.
(sumpah,gu,ani,wike, dll langsung ngakak.)

ga lama dia nyamperin juga beberapa orang.kaya ge terima gitu SEPATU(dalam sugesti ojan si hp) di injek2 lama,dia masuk.nyamperin security.awalnya si security aga bingung.pas di jelasin sama plenno,ngerti dah.ojan sok2 tukeran pin gitu.asli.gayanya kaya make BB beneran.padahal mah sepatu

ojan:pak,jangan di injek2.sayang itu
satpam:lho,emang kenapa?(dengan senyum2 gitu)gua sebernya aga lupa sih yg yg paling kocak,ojan ngomong gini)
ojan:emang gaji security berapa sih?ampe bisa beli BB??(ucap ojan polos)

asli,gua sama semua langsung ngakak abiss.ojan ngejeplaknya enak banget.hahahaah
kalo di inget2,kocak parah.abis itu,dani spik ada telpon dari nyokapnya.pake sepatunya dani.dani minta tolong sama ajan buat ngangkat.ngomongnya itu loh.kaya nelpon gua ada fotonya

haha... gokil dah...

trus dia minta fotoin bareng plenno pake sepatunya dia.gua yg kebagian moto pake sepatu ojan.asli.pas megang sepatu ojan,gua ketawa2 terus.abis itu,kita ketemu security lagi di depan.kena lagi dah.

ojan:wah pak,sayang tuh bb di injek2.(si satpam ngeladenin)
satpam:emang saya ini BB apa sih??
ojan:onyx pak.trus pin bapak berapa??(hahaha.ketawa lagi gua)
satpam:lupa gua.dia ngarang gitu.

trus ada 1 security lagi nyamperin.mungkin bingung ada apa.abis di jelasin,dia malah ikutan.

satpam2:emang BB kamu berapa harganya??
ojan:mahal pak.nih limited edtion.bangga.sambil nunjukin sepatunya.haha..
dani:pak,tadi ada yg kehilangan hp kan??itu kali pak.(sambil nunjuk ojan.satpamnya si cuma senyum2 aja.akhirnya gua sama anak2 ikutan nakutin)
ojan:enak aja.ini BB saya.orang di beliin mama saya
indra:mana buktinya.kali gu kan ada sarungnya.(sambil nunjukin sarung BB dia)
ojan:ah,itu mah murahan(hahahaha.pait jg g tau itu bener ap salah. lagian,kalo palsu jg,ga mungkin muat.mana bisa sepatu di masukin ke sarung BB)
dani:ga aja jajan ga dikasih.masa di beliin BB?(gokil dani.buka kartu)
plenno:nih,pake sarung gua.ori nih(tawar oky.tetep aja ojan g mau)
dani:udah pak,tangkep aja.tadi ada hp ilang kan??
ojan:dih,bapak ke rumah deh.ngomong sama mama saya kalo ga percaya.

tetep pada ketawa.abis itu gua duluan ke pintu tengah.ojan sama anak2 masih muter2.ngeliat kelakuan lama,ojan nyamperin gua,wike sama ani.

gua:jan ini BB apa jan?(sambil nunjuk ke kaki gua)
ojan:onyx.parah lu ndah, giliran BB gemini lu simpen,onyx di injek2
gua:terserah gua dong.BB gua ini kan(kata gua sambil ketawa)

ga lama,ada orang india lewat.pas di panasin mslh sepatu ojan bilang gini"ah,dia mah orang kaya.jadi ga masalah.elu2 pada yang aneh.BB di injek2"buahhahahaha...ngakak gua

udah deh...tapi masih ada yang ke dua.sayang aja tangan gua cape ngetiknya.lanjutin entar yaaa... :D

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

I Hope... (A Letter From Mom and Dad)

I first saw this video on facebook my brother. approximately one year ago. this video really thrilled my heart. The first time I saw this video, I cried. until I reset up to three times, I still cry. please see. . .

open this link :

if word said in the video above is too fast, here are teks. . .

My child,
When I get old,
I hope you understand and have patience with me
In case I break a plate,
Or spill soup on the table because I'm loosing my eyesight,
I hope you don't yell at me
Older people are sensitive.
Always having self pity when you yell
When my hearing gets worse and I can't hear what you're saying,
I hope you don't call me "Deaf!"
Please repeat what you said or write it down
I'm sorry my child.
I'm getting older
When my knees get weaker,
I hope you have the patience to help me get up
Like how I used to help you while you were little,
Learning to walk
Please bear with me
When I keep repeating my self like a broken record,
I hope you just keep listening to me
Please don't make fun of me, or get sick listening to me.
Do you remember when you were little and you wanted a balloon!?
You repeated yourself over and over until you got what you wanted
Please also pardon my smell
I smell like an old person
Please don't force to shower
My body is weak
Old people get sick easily when they're cold.
I hope I don't gross you out.
Do you remember when you were little?
I used to chase you around because you didn't want to shower
I hope you can be patient with me
When I'm always cranky
It's all part of getting old
You'll understand when you're older
And if you have spare time,
I hope we can talk
Even for a few minutes
I'm always all by my self all the time
And have no one to talk to
I know you're busy with work
Even if you're not interested in my stories,
Please have time for me,
Do you remember when you were little?
I used to listen to your stories about your teddy bear.
When the time comes
And I get ill and bedridden,
I hope you have the patience to take care of me
I'm sorry
If I accidentally wet the bed or make a mess
I hope you have the patience to take care of me during the last few moment of my life
I'm not going to last longer, anyway
When the time of my death comes,
I hope you hold my hand
And give me the strength to face death
And don't worry...
When I finally meet our Creator...
I will whisper in His ear
To BLESS you
Because you loved
Your Mom and Dad
Thank you so much for your care
We love you
With much love
Mom and Dad

really. when I saw this video, I like being slapped. I immediately thought of my parents. I hope, this could be a muse for all of you. :)

better living

when we want something, and desire it very difficult to fulfill. what will we do? whether silent lament the fate? or try with all the blessings that God has given the advantages?
we realize that each of us is God's creation MASTERPIECE that there will be no successor in this world?
then why do we prefer to complain and bemoan the fate? whereas we only require a little effort and consistency in the way we get what we expect. nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something! do the best and GOD will do the rest. we know that, then what else do we fear? process that is so heavy? or we are too lazy to get it? why not for a better life. whether it is about wealth, education, time or whatever we want. JUST DO IT!

My Hero was My dad

nothing can describe how I'm at my dad unfortunately. he is always patient with my attitude. she is always there when I need. he is always there and ready to defend me. father who always protect me. father who was always worried when I got home that night and forgot to give the news to him. father who was angry at me when I do wrong. but I knew, he was also hurt when scolded me. too many words that I can not write when talking about Dad. . But there is a very fitting song I sing for my father. this song the first time I heard while I was watching disney channel. and happened to be in play movie tiger cruise. and inspired after reading a book entitled soup chiken little girl's favorite dad.

Lyrics to My Hero Is You :

You know I try to be
All that I can
But there's a part of me
I still don't understand

Why do I only see
What I don't have
When my reality
Its things are not that bad

Your faith has shown me that

When my world goes crazy
You won't let go
When the ground gets shaky
You give me hope
When I try to push you away
You never move, yeah

Now when I start doubting and
You help me see
There's a strength, and a mind, and a power in me
Oh believe me thereain't nothing I can't do
My hero is you, yeah
My hero is you

I never saw the way
You sacrificed
Who knew the price you paid
How can I make it right
I know I've gotta try

When my world goes crazy
You won't let go
When the ground gets shaky
You give me hope
When I try to push you away
You never move, yeah

Now when I start doubting and
You help me see
There's a strength, and a mind, and a power in me
You believe there ain't nothing I can't do
My hero is you, yeah
My hero is you

And I hope that you can see
You're everything that I wanna be, ooh

When my world goes crazy
You won't let go
When the ground gets shaky
You give me hope
When I try to push you away
You never move, yeah

Now when I start doubting and
You help me see
There's a strength, and a mind, and a power in me
Oh believe me there ain't nothing I can't do
My hero is you, yeah
My hero is you

My hero is you

really. this song is like representing me to talk about my father. I have a motto "all for the sake of my father" I'll do anything for my father .


how grateful I could get a friend of a friend in the course of my life. The following poem about friendship .. and what is a friend to me ..

My best friend is a drop of morning dew
aridity of the fallen wet liver
to be able to fertilize the entire garden heart
in coolness

My friends are the stars in the night sky highway
loneliness that accompany the grieving moon
to be able to illuminate the dark universe
in togetherness

My best friend is a shade tree with a thousand branches
the umbrella of the unbearable heat of the sun
to be able to provide shade
in peace

O wandering wind
proclaim to me about her

My best friend is a collection of spring water from the sacred lake
clear flowing endlessly
to be able to eliminate self thirst
the freshness

My best friend is the rain that fell
a hose every inch of the earth a dusty chronic
to be able to clean the crown of flowers and dedaun
in purity

My friends are the pieces of diamond jewels
beautiful sparkling as a matchless gift
to be able to spread the spirit charm
in beauty

O bird sound ambassador
tell me about her presence


love letter to kak *****

This letter I wrote when the semester yesterday. current accounting practice, we in order to write a love letter to one of his mentor. I finally write this letter for kak *****. because she was very nice and pleasant. he also helped me get maximum value accounting in the lab. this is a love letter I make kak ***** . I am writing this helped a lot by a business friend to me. namely ani. please. . .

Greetings SWEET HONEY along, greeting and I LOVE LOVE U. greetings and I miss MISS U, I want to know .. greetings MEMORY HOW ARE YOU?
first time I met brother I immediately wondered if brother craftsmen spoon, stir because brother - stir feelings. here the more I want to forget but I thought the older sister of guns could be, because it's where brother there (my mind).
I used to smile myself, until I was practically the same friends I'm crazy. I'm willing to say crazy, for thinking about older ...

when my friends asked me, why I can like the same brother. I did not say anything, because if I later stories also like to again equal their brother.
Brother "I'll stop loving brother, when the diamond was no longer shining, the flowers no longer blossom, no more rumbling thunder, the river no longer flowed, the stars no longer shine, the rainbow no longer refracted. Ah, guns, too. Even if that happens, I guns will stop loving brother. "

I am writing this letter to express the feelings I went to my brother. willing to accept older guns or guns I care. principally in mind I only brother, only brother who is in my heart.

if in India there rama and shinta, in English there is romeo and juliet, the twilight is edward and bella, and if at any gunadarma kak ***** and me ...

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011


in recent years, many cases of labor force of Indonesia. so in pity. so much hope they work abroad, but instead abuse they get. until 2010 yesterday, there were approximately 5636 employees who received punishment Indonesia when working abroad.

Migrant Care According to the data they experienced violence ranging from beatings, torture to rape. "It is observed, the possibility of other cases still exist," said Executive Director of Migrant Care Anis Hidayat, in Jakarta. I'll take the example of torture cases migrant workers in saudi arabia

TKI Haryatin from East Java (32), migrant workers from Blitar. Haryatin suffered blindness after eye often gets tortured by her employer for 3.7 years in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. "One of my little beaten either hand or tool wear. And the blow was often directed into my eyes," said Haryatin, told reporters in Undaan Eye Hospital, Undaan Road, Surat, on Thursday (19/11/2010).

Employers often abuse him is Fatma, daughter of her employer who sesungguhnya.Di Fatma house this is, Haryatin often receive inhuman treatment. "My eyes are often beaten disposable timber and hose. Over time, this view is increasingly blurred and finally dark," added Haryatin

how sad and heart wrenching story of Haryatin. I really hope what happened does not happen again Haryatin to workers who are working abroad. and I hope the Indonesian government to resolve the case and to act firmly. Amiin

review :

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


love is so full of meaning. if you ask me, love is shy, happy, comfortable angry, sad and disappointed. because recently I experienced it. I'll tell you how love came over me.

originated from a meeting in the classroom. we started our relationship with friends.slowly but surely, it changed to taste like. then established a friendship,then love.

love it SHY
when we meet with our love, we feel ashamed. why? I also do not know. maybe just because we are close to those we love.

love it FUN
very fun when we are close to those we love. talked with him, joking with him, etc.

This part I liked most. I'm comfortable at all when it is closer to the people I love. he is attentive, especially when I'm sick

love is ANGRY
Sometimes, when we were fighting, or people we love to do something we do not like it, honestly. It makes me angry. for example when he approached another person

not all love a happy ending. sometimes there is also a love that ended with disappointment. because that relationship can not be maintained anymore. when someone love should decide to establish the relationship must end. It is very disappointing. after making a decision, he'll remember the memories with those we love.

well,this is love for me :)

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

tugas bahasa inggris

Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)

1. We had our treasury buy our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She has her mom cook dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He had his brother do his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom is having Bill writing the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike has Jenni save his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / dilivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They are having their maid cleaning their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)